Gifts from God

Consider if you will this scene: it’s Christmas morning in your home. The entire family has worked to set the stage for a wonderful celebration around the tree. There are beautifully wrapped packages containing untold treasures and surprises. There is the hustle and bustle of gathering around the beautiful tree, anxiously awaiting the moment when you begin to open the colorful packages. But suddenly, the scene changes. You’re still exchanging the Merry Christmases and drinking eggnog or coffee, but much to your chagrin, none of the gifts are being opened. They are still under the tree, but not bringing joy to the givers or recipients. And for whatever reason, they remain this way: never having been opened. Christmas after Christmas, the same thing happens: many presents are there, but none ever opened. What should be a joyful and vibrant experience now has fallen into something rote and mechanical.

Could it be that for many of us, the gifts God has given us remain unopened, therefore we–and those who gather with us–never experience the joy of what could be. I am speaking specifically about all of us who are members of this parish. We gather for Mass each Sunday and many of us every weekday as well. And yet, we often fail to recognize the gifts that God has shared with us and, as a result, the celebration of something far more profound than sitting around a Christmas tree has also become something rote and mechanical.

Each of us who gather in this holy place has within us a gift from God that can make our celebration of the Eucharist an event with unsurpassed excitement and joy, not only for us but for those gathered with us. When we are willing to recognize that God has given each of us gifts and then use them, St. Rose of Lima will have celebrations that are contagious.

Imagine our experience of Mass if those who have the gift of musical talent would open their gift and share it with the rest of us as they glorify God in song. We have the great beginning of a small choir and for this we must be thankful. But you and I do not want St. Rose to be one where 20% of the people do 80% of the work.

All of our Liturgical Ministers serve in various capacities because they feel called to their ministry. They have taken their gift of proclaiming God’s Word to us and moved us to have a desire to go deeper into God’s holy Word.

My own call to the diaconate was because I was tapped on the shoulder by someone else who recognized I might have a spiritual gift for such a ministry. And for me, it has opened the door to 20 years of being the Catholic I never thought I could be.

For those who are willing to open their gifts and use them in the service of the Church, rest assured: your faith and participation in the life of the church and this parish will generate excitement you might have been missing. Step out in faith. There are a wide variety of opportunities for you to use your gifts here at St. Rose. Don’t let them pass you by.

Deacon John Murrell


Saint Vincent de Paul


Exaltation of the Holy Cross