Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

On this last Sunday of the Church year, we celebrate the Kingship of Jesus. As we reflect on Jesus as our King, we would do well to go deeper into understanding His role, nature, and purpose. Jesus is a carpenter, miracle worker, Son of Mary, Son of God, Prophet, Messiah, Son of David, Good Shepherd, Healer, Preacher, and the Lamb of God. However, each of these titles culminate in the Kingship of Jesus Christ when time is fulfilled and each of us comes face to face with Jesus.

The feast of Christ the King was first added to the Church calendar in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. Pope St. Paul VI added the title “King of the Universe.” In this weekend’s second reading, St. Paul describes Jesus, who is fully man and fully God, as the image of the invisible God. In just a few moments, as we make our statement of faith, we proclaim the Kingship of Christ, acknowledging that He created all things visible and invisible. As God, He encompasses all of reality, not just our reality.

Another very profound attribute of our King Jesus is that He holds all things together and in Him we live, breathe, and have our being. Because God wills it, we exist, and it is His power and awesome love that sustain us day in and day out. And yet, on a national scale, our desire is to keep Him out of our affairs. God is reality.

So many have now compartmentalized Jesus to the point where He is only allowed to enter spaces in their lives they so choose. In doing such, one profoundly denies the Kingship of Jesus Christ and becomes his or her own master. Same-sex marriage, abortion, and gender manipulation are all statements of denial of Jesus Christ as King. These very issues have risen to the top of Satan’s arsenal against God, and they are effective. They are also lies of the darkest sort. We must ask ourselves, “Is that the way of life I choose, or do I really want to be free?”

Then welcome the King into every corner of your life, especially the everyday duties of life. He wants to be with you as you manage your life, your family, earn a living, and raise your kids. The list goes on and on. And it is then and only then that we can experience the peace the King so desires to share with us. It is then that we are freed from the domination of secular and worldly ways. It is then that we begin to live our lives in such a way that people will begin to experience Christ as their King. Yes, Jesus reigns and we are His subjects. Alleluia!

Deacon John Murrell


Season of Advent


Beware of False Teachers