
For the better part of my life, I could use one word to define myself…. committed.  You might be thinking well that is a great quality trait to have.  But for me,  I was so greatly committed to this thing,  that I allowed it to totally consume every aspect of my life, my relationships, my work ethic, my finances.  Ultimately, by God’s grace I realized that I was committed to something that was no longer good for me and that something was FISHING. I grabbed hold of something good and turned it into an addiction.  We all know what an addiction can do to a person.

Today’s second reading from the letter to the Hebrews sets two challenges in front of each of us.  First, we are told to “hold fast to our confession.”  The writer is not speaking of sacramental confession here.  Rather, he is speaking of our commitment.    He is stating that each of us must ask ourselves, what do I believe in spiritually and how committed to that belief am I? 

At each Sunday Mass throughout the Liturgical year, we make our profession of faith when we say “I believe…..”  The Creed we profess must be intertwined with the portrait of who we are.  The Creed, in a very real way is my statement of who I am now.  Steadfast faith and commitment to what I believe are both hallmarks of truly powerful prayer.

Secondly, we are not only challenged, but encouraged to confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.  I needed help.  We are called to approach the throne of grace as acknowledgment of our human weakness.  And as we do, we are not ridiculed or made to feel discouraged. Instead, we are welcomed by the loving arms of our heavenly Father.  We should never approach God with  “by the way God, could you advise me in this situation?”  Rest assured, we don’t want to get into trivializing God in this way.  

We boldly approach God because we know that we depend on Him for our very next breath, for our very next meal, for our very lives.  Where does such boldness come from?  The blood of our great High Priest, Jesus Christ has gained us access.

-Deacon John Murrell


All Saints / All Souls


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