Receive the Holy Spirit

Dear Friends,

It gives me great joy to write to you on the occasion of Pentecost Sunday. On this most important day, the Church celebrates the end of the Easter season. In addition, the Church celebrates God’s gift to us, the gift of the Holy Spirit. In the pouring out of the Spirit, Jesus Christ’s Paschal Mystery is completed. The risen Christ breathes new spiritual life into his disciples. Through the Holy Spirit, the Church is fully equipped to carry on Jesus redemptive work. (see Magnificat, May 2024, p. 302)

In today’s Gospel reading from John Chapter 20, we hear Jesus’ words. “Peace be with you.” (Jn 20:19) He also says, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (Jn20:22) These words take me back to the Confirmation Mass that we celebrated here at St. Rose just three weeks ago.

Cardinal DiNardo spoke very similar words to each confirmand. He said to each one as he anointed them , “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Each one responded saying, “Amen.” Then, Cardinal DiNardo said, “Peace be with you.” And each confirmand responded, “And with your spirit.

I was privileged to be standing at the Cardinal’s right hand while he anointed each confirmand. My task was simple, hold the sacred chrism and two purificators. It was my honor to witness up close 39 beautiful sacraments…39 confirmations.

It was a very moving experience. I noticed the reverent gestures of each young person. The look in their eyes revealed their faith. They all responded to the Cardinal beautifully.

Their voices also revealed their faith. I had the wonderful opportunity of seeing the bright future of our Church. Hopefully, all future vocations to marriage, consecrated life, and priestly life will emerge from this confirmation class.

Each confirmand is now fully initiated into the Church and has received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. During his homily, Cardinal DiNardo reminded us that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not like things of this world. They never run out. The more they give to others the more they grow. Unlike a chocolate cake that eventually runs out as you share it with others.

Brothers and sisters, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. These are the gifts that we received at our own confirmations. Today, let us receive these gifts yet again as we celebrate the Pentecost. These gifts enable us to carry on Jesus redemptive work. “They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. They make the faithful docile in readily obeying divine inspirations.” (CCC 1831)

I close with a prayer:

On this day of joy, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room with the Blessed Virgin May, let us pray that God will continue to send forth his Spirit upon the Church and let us pray that God sends us forth to bring new life. Renew the face of the earth, O Lord! Amen! (see Magnificat, May 2024, p. 312)


Deacon Ray Rodriguez


Trinity Sunday - Fullness of Love


He has gone up, we must go out