The Seven Sign Miracles

In today’s Gospel we hear from John about the Wedding Feast at Cana. This is the first of the seven sign miracles of John’s Gospel. In this story, an account of an elaborate wedding feast is given at which Jesus is present. Jesus provides the wine that is needed to finish the celebration. The symbolism for us is that just as Jesus provided the best wine at the wedding feast by changing water into wine, he can change our stone cold religion into a loving and joyful relationship with God. Miracle #2 is the healing of the official’s son. (John 4: 43-54).

The only thing we really know about the official is his faith...a faith that believes if Jesus only says the word, his son will be healed. The symbolism here is that through faith, God can do mighty things in our lives. Miracle #3 is not quite as well known. The healing at the pool of Bethesda. (John5:1-9) In this story an angel is said the disturb the water in this large pool where the crippled gather. The first one into the pool after the water is ruffled is healed. A certain man, crippled for 38 years has tried and failed to be healed. Then along comes Jesus who makes it possible for the man to be healed.

The message here is that all our efforts to save ourselves are futile. Only Jesus can save us. Miracle #4 is the feeding of the 5000 and the only one recorded in all four Gospels. It is told in John 6 also known as the Bread of Life Discourse. It is here that we hear Jesus proclaim that “I Am the Bread of Life. Only God refers to Himself as “I Am.” Jesus truly is our spiritual food….the Eucharist. Miracle # 5 Jesus Walks on Water. (John 6: 16-25) Their boat is sinking in the heavy seas but as Jesus reaches the disciples the seas are calmed and they reach their destination. Through the power of Jesus who calms the stormy seas of our life can we reach our destination. Miracle #6 The Healing of the Man Born Blind. (John9: 1-41) A man born blind from birth is touched by Jesus, does as Jesus encourages him to do and was healed. Jesus said “I have come that the blind might see.” Even the most spiritually blind person, when touched by God can be made to see and believe. Miracle # 7 The Raising of Lazarus This is the final straw and the miracle that moves the religious leaders to crucify Jesus. As God, Jesus called Lazarus out of the grave and restored him from death to life. This miracle demonstrates the certainty of the promise that all who live and believe in Jesus will never die. Take the time to go into each of these seven signs. As you do, you will know that Jesus is truly God.

- Deacon John Murrell


The Conversion of St. Paul


The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord