Do You Pray?

All of us would certainly agree that the times we find ourselves in now and for the last several years have indeed been troubling. The Covid-19 pandemic certainly was totally unexpected. Worse, it required all of us to make changes to the way we live our everyday lives.

The political turmoil of the last several years has caused many of us to want to bow out of the political processes that have become sounding boards for hate, animosity and lack of respect for anything good. And now,  we have a deranged leader viciously attacking an independent nation, destroying anyone or anything that thwarts his efforts.

The saddest aspect of all of these times is that we have assumed that the reasons for and the answers to such crisis can be found in pointing fingers and assigning blame. Has this strategy worked? I will let you answer by asking two questions: How much did your last gas fill-up cost? When you go grocery shopping are you able to find everything you want at a price you expected? Maybe it’s time we get away from all the talk about our contrived morality, the never ending drudgery of boring climate change talk and energy independence.

Do you pray? Why do you pray? Is it because YOU have been unable to make any difference in the evolution of these many problems? So as a last resort, you turn to God? The problems we create, the problems we face are far beyond the ability any of us have to make a difference. Or, do you pray because you have experienced the power of God released through fervent and habitual prayer. It is only when we establish a daily habit of turning to God in our lives that prayer will become an immediate reaction in times of trouble. The way to free ourselves from the problems we have created and now must face up to is a relationship with Jesus empowered by faith filled prayer. If you and I will take time to look at our current situation, through the eyes of prayer, we will begin to experience the peace that passes all understanding.

Why not give it a try? Don’t be trapped by Satan’s lie that each of us has the power to pull ourselves out of trouble. This nation we love is very close to becoming morally abhorrent to God, because there are so many who believe in their own self sufficiency. Let us stand up and boldly proclaim that anything I can do, I do through Christ who gives me strength. Amen.

- Deacon John




Lenten Penance Service