A Heart-To-Heart With Gen Z

Question from a Teenager: Fr. Linh, I’m struggling with my faith. Everything seems to pull me away from God – social media, friends, even classes. The Church and traditions like the Eucharist don’t connect with me. Why should I remain faithful when it feels outdated and difficult?

Answer: I get it, and I’m glad you asked. It’s hard to be faithful in today’s world, especially for Gen Z. Here’s my take:

Staying strong in faith when life is hard is critical. Remember Simon Peter? When others were leaving Jesus, he said, “Lord, where else can we go? You have the words of eternal life.” This is key for us today.

Think about it: In school, it’s not cool to talk about faith. Friends might tease you. It’s tempting to keep quiet, isn’t it? But that’s your Peter moment. You can say, “My faith is important. It gives me strength. I won’t hide it.”

When you scroll through social media, you see things that go against your beliefs. It’s easier to just go with the flow. But where else can you find the truth and love that Jesus offers? This is where your faith becomes your anchor.

Now, the Eucharist. It may seem traditional, but it’s like a spiritual energy drink. It’s Jesus giving you strength when you need it most. Imagine facing a tough day or a big challenge. Wouldn’t it be great to have a direct connection to the source of all strength? That’s the Eucharist!

Next time you are at Mass, really concentrate on the Eucharist. Imagine being Peter and choosing to remain faithful when others walk away. Feel that strength. That’s the power of fidelity in difficult times.

Being faithful doesn’t mean having no doubts. It’s choosing to trust God’s love even when it’s hard. It’s about standing firm when everything else seems shaky.

Whether it’s peer pressure, family problems, or feeling lost, remember Peter’s words. Stand strong in your faith. Turn to the Eucharist for strength. It’s not just a ritual; it’s a power-up for your soul.

Your faith isn’t outdated; it’s timeless. It’s about a living, breathing relationship with God who loves you unconditionally.

Stay awesome, stay faithful, and never forget how much God loves you!

Pastor Linh


Pastoral Letter of September 2024


Bread of Life