“Do not cling to me.”

“Do not cling to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father.” John 20:17

On Easter Sunday we heard that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb only to find it empty. As she turned weeping, she saw Jesus standing before her. He called her name and she immediately cried, “Rabbouni,” and clung to him. Some Bible translations say that Jesus said, “Do not touch me,” but the original Hebrew translates, “Do not cling to me.”

Mary’s reaction was a very natural one that we can all relate to. What are the things we cling to in our lives: family, friends, jobs, houses, neighborhoods, or plans for the future? We cling for different reasons: stability, habit, protection, pride, and fear. Is it ever possible to cling out of love? Or does love call us to loosen our hold? Imagine holding a scoop of sand in the palm of your hand. What happens to the sand as you tighten your grip? Which holds more, an open palm or a closed fist? In today’s Gospel, we begin to understand why Jesus tells Mary, “Do not cling to me.”

“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” John 14:26

God desired to be closer than when he entered into humanity on Christmas. He desired to be still closer than when Mary Magdalene clung to Jesus outside the tomb. Jesus knew that his work was not done. He needed to return to the Father in order for Mary Magdalene and the disciples to receive the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit that would transform their bodies into living tabernacles. It was and is a gift beyond imagination!

But what about the times we are called to let go of a perceived good for something less good? Jesus affirms our humanity by acknowledging how difficult this is when he says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” As an Easter people we are called to believe and imitate the crucified and resurrected Lord by our thoughts, words, and actions. This isn’t easy to do, but we can begin to find comfort in the words of Jesus, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you.”

What are you clinging to in your life? Is God calling you to loosen your grip? Spend some time this week in prayer with the Holy Spirit – a gift beyond imagination – and you may be surprised by what God has in store for you.

- Deacon Ed Herrera


Pastoral Letter - Ascension of the Lord 2022

