God’s Unreasonable WIll

On the way to meet some friends for a fishing trip into East Galveston Bay a couple of Fridays ago, I did something I haven't done for many years. On the drive to the marina, I turned on a Christian radio station. This was a habit that used to be such an important part of my life. As I listened to the message being aired at 4:30 in the morning, I thought to myself, this is for me. The title of the message by Dr. Charles Stanley was "God's Unreasonable Will." For the past year or so I have no shame admitting that my life has been pretty much out of whack. Why, you might ask. I have been earnestly seeking God’s will in a particular situation in my life that troubles me and yet I still persist in telling Him how to best handle it.

Think about it. When you and I ask for help from God in determining what He is calling us to and we expect Him to answer immediately we will usually respond by saying God what you are asking of me is unreasonable. And we immediately begin to rationalize why we perceive His way as unreasonable. Admit it. You’ve done it. I’ve done it. We all do it. The only response to God’s revealed for you and I is “here I am Lord, I come to do your will”, in other words, YES. (Psalm 40: 7-11) I would do well to remember that even though I still am not clear on God’s will as to the decision I need to make in this particular situation, I do know that when the time is right, I will know because God will have worked it all out, including all the trifles and rationalizations I come up with.

So a few tips on how to really seek and find God’s will for you, but not necessarily to understand. I speak from experience when I say that God’s Word contains many instances where what we perceive as being God’s unreasonable will is really what is needed to turn my life completely around. A perfect example: Luke 5: 1-11. A second way to discern God’s will: Quit considering the trifles associated with doing God’s will. He has everything figured out. How often should we ask God to reveal His will to us? Easy….until He answers. Finally, I believe we can actually speed up God’s revelation of His will by admitting that “whatever you want God…..that’s what I want.” Try it. The answer will come in God’s PERFECT time.


Deacon John


Mustard Seed