Pastoral Letter to the Youth June 2024

Dear Incredible Teens of Our Parish,

Summer is here, and I hope you’re soaking up every moment of this thrilling time! I know you’re probably having the time of your lives, exploring new adventures and creating lasting memories with friends and family. But guess what? There’s something even better: you can have an amazing summer while also deepening your faith. That’s right – it’s the ultimate win-win situation, and I’m here to encourage you to go for it!

Oh, I’ve got some fantastic news: we’re thrilled to welcome Stephanie Ruiz as our new Director of Youth Ministry! Her first day of work will be on Monday, July 15, 2024. Stephanie is an absolute rockstar, and with her passion, experience, and dedication, she’s ready to take our youth ministry to new heights. Not only is she committed to making this summer unforgettable, packed with faith, friendship, and non-stop fun, but she also has incredible plans for the future of our youth group. With Stephanie at the helm, you can expect engaging programs, meaningful service opportunities, and powerful spiritual experiences that will help you grow closer to God and each other. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on the chance to be part of this exciting new chapter in our youth ministry. Join us and be part of something truly extraordinary, not just this summer, but all year round!

Let me tell you about an inspiring young saint named Dominic Savio. At just 12 years old, Dominic spent a summer at the Oratory of Saint Francis de Sales in Turin, and he totally rocked it. He had a blast playing games and sports with his buddies, spreading joy and friendship everywhere he went. But Dominic didn’t stop there – he also made time for daily Mass, prayer, spiritual reading, and helping with chores and acts of charity. Throughout the summer, Dominic lived a holy life, inspiring others by combining fun, prayer, and service. He showed us that it’s possible to have an epic summer while keeping God at the center of it all.

And guess what? You can do the same thing! Whether you’re chilling at the beach, discovering new trails, or just hanging out in your backyard, take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness of God’s creation all around you. Snap a pic of an incredible sunset, bust out some dance moves with your friends, or simply thank God for the people and experiences that bring you happiness.

No matter what your summer plans are, remember to keep your faith front and center. Set aside a little time each day to pray, read your Bible, and strengthen your bond with God. Look for opportunities to share your faith with others – invite a friend to church, offer to pray for someone who’s going through a tough time, or simply live out your values with kindness and compassion.

So, here’s my challenge to you this summer: embrace the joy and excitement of this season, but keep God as your ultimate priority. When you do that, you’ll discover that every moment becomes a chance to experience His love and grace in mind-blowing ways.

And never forget – you’ve got an entire church community behind you, cheering you on every step of the way. Get involved, reach out when you need support, and let your faith shine like a beacon for all to see.

Let’s make this a summer we’ll never forget – a time when we fully embrace the spirit of joy and celebration, both in and out of church. Together, let’s have the time of our lives, grow in our faith, and show the world what it means to live life to the absolute fullest with God by our side. Are you ready to make this the best summer ever? Let’s do this!

With love and high-fives,

Fr. Linh Nguyen


Pastoral Letter of July 2024


God’s Unreasonable WIll