John 14

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

In this time in the world in which we live, peace is a commodity that seems to be in short supply. Whether it’s peace in the world, or the peace we long to feel in our hearts, it certainly seems the odds are stacked against us. As people of faith, it is easy to become disillusioned, even bewildered. The Christian faith is founded on the truth that there is a peace that is not influenced by circumstances, that is not an emotion, but rather is a state of being. Could it possibly be that we are not finding that peace, because we are looking in all the wrong places, trusting in all the wrong philosophies and ideals, trusting in our own abilities to create such peace. If we are looking for peace as an intellectual pursuit, we will never find it.

In this past week we have heard of the atrocities committed in Israel by people who call themselves militants, but who are in fact murderers. We fear the consequences of retaliation for such offenses. We even fear our own safety. In other words, peace is nowhere to be found, or so it seems. Reflect on these words from Paul’s letter to the Phillipians 4: 5-6: “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God . Then the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” This is what true peace is all about. It is not about us, rather it’s all about God, His grace, His mercy, His love.

Have you ever come to know someone, who as far as you can see, could not possibly have a heart that is filled with the peace of Jesus Christ? There could be someone sitting next to you at Mass who you might sense, because of their circumstances, has no possibility of a peace filled heart. Yet as you exchange the sign of peace with them in the Mass, the expression on their face, their smile, even their touch betrays what is really in their hearts…..peace. Externally things are a mess, but they are saying to you the peace that passes all understanding fills their heart to overflowing.

We live in a society where the statesmen we look up to or should be able to look up to are becoming more and more nothing but politicians. What should be best for us and the country in which we live has become political gamesmanship, one trying to out do or out argue the other. Is true peace possible in such a caustic environment. We worry so much about climate change, perhaps rightfully so, but we don’t seemed to preoccupied with bringing about real peace in each other’s hearts. It is something we will never be able to do….we think. Listen to some more of Paul’s words to the Phillipians 4: 8 “Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is lovely, whatever is praiseworthy, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence or anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” We would all do well to ask God for greater outpouring of His Spirit in our hearts so that we would confidently know that true peace is possible when we allow our hearts to stay focused on all that is good.Where was Paul when he wrote these verses? He was in prison and yet he was at peace.


Deacon John




Where Heaven Meets Earth