Dear Awesome Youth of Our Parish,

Have you noticed the intriguing pictures with the faces of four different people and some symbols in front of the ambo? Well, guess what? Those are actually images of the four Evangelists: Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke, and Saint John. And they have got some pretty awesome stories behind them, just like the pictures. So, get ready to dive into the world of the Evangelists, and let’s have some fun learning together!

1. Saint Matthew – The Angel: Saint Matthew is often symbolized by an Angel. You might be wondering, “Why an Angel?” Well, think of Angels as messengers from God, delivering really important news. Now, what’s super exciting about Saint Matthew is that his Gospel is like a giant message from God. It’s like God saying, “Hey, world, I have some amazing news for you!” His Gospel starts with a family tree, like a big family history project, showing how Jesus is connected to some really important people in history. So, you can think of Saint Matthew as the “genealogy guru” of the Gospels. He helps us understand that Jesus is part of a long, important story of God’s love for us.

2. Saint Mark – The Lion: Let’s explore Saint Mark’s world! He’s the Evangelist known for the Lion symbol. But why a Lion, you ask? Well, his Gospel starts with the powerful voice of John the Baptist in the wilderness, announcing Jesus with a mighty roar. Think of it like the thrilling beginning of an action movie – a grand opening! Saint Mark’s Gospel is a whirlwind of excitement, like a heart-pounding action film, filled with remarkable stories of what Jesus did during His time on Earth. Saint Mark is the “action hero” among the Evangelists, inviting us on an adventure that shows following Jesus is an exciting journey full of wonder and amazement.

3. Saint Luke – The Ox: Say hello to Saint Luke, who’s represented by the Ox symbol. You might be wondering, “Why an Ox?” Well, here’s the deal: His Gospel begins with a story about a priest named Zechariah who was in the temple. Now, the temple was a place where Oxen were used for sacrifices, and it was a special, holy place. Saint Luke, in his Gospel, shows us how Jesus is like a caring and compassionate doctor. He heals people with love and care, just like how a doctor takes care of their patients. So, you can think of Saint Luke as our “go-to guy” for heartwarming stories about how Jesus brings healing and love into our lives.

4. Saint John – The Eagle: Last but definitely not least, we have Saint John, known for the Eagle symbol. You might be wondering, “Why an Eagle?” Well, think about how an Eagle soars high in the sky, closer to the heavens. Saint John’s Gospel is like that, soaring to great spiritual heights! His Gospel is deep and makes us think about big ideas. Saint John is like the “philosopher” of the Evangelists. His Gospel invites us to explore profound spiritual truths and ponder the deep mysteries of our faith. It’s like taking a journey into the deep and beautiful world of God’s love and wisdom.

Alright, fellow teens, listen up! The Bible isn’t some dusty old book; it’s like a treasure chest loaded with stories, wisdom, and inspiration that’s just waiting for you to unlock. When you delve into the Gospels of Christ, you’re embarking on an epic adventure, tapping into a wellspring of wisdom, and drawing closer to God, all while navigating the journey of life. Think of it as a journey filled with surprises, hope, and strength. Let’s make a pact to begin exploring the Bible, step by step, and discuss it with your friends and youth group. It’s not a solo mission; we’re in this together. So, keep that curiosity burning, stay pumped, and let the Bible boost your faith journey!

Your Friend and Pastor,

Fr. Linh Nguyen


National Vocation Awareness Week


John 14