Pastoral Letter to all Students

Dear Beloved Students of our Parish,

As we approach the new school year, I’m writing to each of you with words of encouragement. Whether you’re beginning elementary school, transitioning to middle school, entering high school, or embarking on your college journey, I know this time brings a mix of excitement and perhaps some anxiety. Let me share a story that I hope will inspire you.

Have you heard about the remarkable growth of bamboo? For the first few years, it appears to barely grow above ground – just a tiny sprout. But beneath the surface, its roots are spreading far and wide. Then, after about four years, it suddenly shoots up at an astonishing rate – growing as much as a foot a day! In just weeks, it can reach heights of 60 feet or more.

Your growth as a student and as a person mirrors this bamboo. At times, you might feel like you’re not progressing. You study diligently, but your grades don’t improve as quickly as you’d like. You practice a skill, but don’t see immediate results. You try to form new friendships, but it takes time to build those connections. During these moments, remember the bamboo. All your efforts are like those roots growing underground. You may not see the results right away, but you’re building a strong foundation for your future.

Consider how this applies to your life:

1. In your studies: Every page you read, every problem you solve, every essay you write strengthens your mind. You’re developing critical thinking skills that will serve you well throughout life.

2. In your extracurricular activities: Whether it’s sports, music, art, or clubs, each practice session and meeting helps you develop discipline, teamwork, and creativity.

3. In your faith journey: Every time you attend Mass, participate in youth group, or take a moment for prayer, you’re deepening your relationship with God and building a spiritual foundation to support you through life’s challenges.

4. In your relationships: Every act of kindness, every meaningful conversation, every time you stand up for what’s right shapes your character and builds important connections with others.

Remember, true success isn’t about quick fixes. It’s about consistent effort and perseverance, especially when things get difficult. It’s about having the courage to continue, even when you don’t see immediate results. There will be times when you feel discouraged. In those moments, think of the bamboo. Reflect on all the unseen growth happening within you. Every small effort you make is significant, even if the results aren’t yet visible.

Also, try not to compare your growth to others. We’re all on unique journeys. Some may seem to progress faster in certain areas, but remember – we don’t know what’s happening beneath the surface in their lives. Focus on your own growth and celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem.

As your pastor, I want you to know that our entire parish community is here to support you. We believe in you and we’re praying for you. If you ever need encouragement or guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any of our youth leaders.

This year, I challenge you to embrace the bamboo mindset. Be patient with yourself. Trust the process of your development. Keep putting in the effort, even when it’s challenging. Know that one day, all of your hard work will bear fruit in ways you might not even imagine right now.

Wishing you a blessed and fulfilling academic year!

With pastoral care,

Fr. Linh Nguyen


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