A Heart-to-Heart with Gen. Z

Teenager: “Fr. Linh, I’m really struggling with making the right decisions in my life. It feels like everything is so complicated and I’m always second-guessing myself. How can I get better at this and feel more confident in my decisions?”

Fr. Linh: Hi. Thank you for opening up. Being a teenager is hard. You’re figuring out who you are and what you want. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times.

Let me tell you a story. Sean, a junior, was invited to a secret concert at school. His friend said, “Everyone’s going! It’s now or never!” Sean was tempted, but he took a moment to think. He considered his college applications, his parents’ trust, and his position as student council president. In the end, he said, “I can’t. Not worth the risk. Let’s go to a school concert instead.” The next day, he found out that the teens who went to this “secret concert” were suspended. His smart move kept his record clean and showed others how it’s done.

Sean’s story shows that sometimes being wise means making hard choices, but it pays off. I know you’re probably dealing with a lot of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Your phone is filled with pictures of friends at parties, and you wonder if you should have been there. Social media doesn’t help. You see influencers living their “best lives,” and it’s hard not to compare yourself.

Now, you want to increase your wisdom, right? Start by questioning things, learning from mistakes, and seeking advice from people you trust. Read widely to get new ideas and try to understand others’ perspectives, even if you disagree. In this crazy busy world, take quiet time to reflect.

But above all those personal efforts, remember, you have amazing resources right here in our faith. Jesus’ teachings are a gold mine for navigating life today – when stuck, ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?” The Church’s teachings are timeless and contain centuries of wisdom that remain relevant today. And don’t forget, the Eucharist isn’t just a ritual – it’s a powerful source of strength and clarity to guide your choices.

Remember, wisdom in our faith isn’t about blindly following rules. It’s about developing a relationship with God that guides your decisions and helps you become your best self. When faced with a difficult decision, pray, reflect, and trust in the wisdom you have been given.

You’re not alone – Jesus, the Church, and this community have your back. Stay awesome, stay faithful, and keep growing in wisdom!

Fr. Linh


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Pastoral Letter to all Students