The Ascension of the Lord

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today is the Seventh Week of Easter. The liturgical season of Easter continues. We, the church, continue celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus! Alleluia! We also celebrate the Ascension of the Lord.

“He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.” How many times have I quickly said these words in Mass? Countless times. These words are an important part of what we believe as followers of Christ. They are part of our profession of faith contained in the Nicene Creed which dates back to the year 325 A.D.

So, the Church in her wisdom includes “The Ascension of the Lord” as a principal celebration in the liturgical year. This gives us a chance to slow down and reflect on the Ascension. Maybe, we can slowly say, “He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.”

The Gospel tells us that Jesus taught His disciples and opened their minds and hearts to understand the Scriptures. He has appointed them to witness His life and miracles. They are witnesses to the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Luke 24:45, 48)

Then our Lord brings His disciples to the outskirts of Bethany. He blesses them and is carried up to heaven. Then, the disciples return to Jerusalem with great joy. (Luke 24:51-52)

The Catechism gives us so much to celebrate. We are taught that the resurrected Jesus makes a final apparition that ends with the entry of His humanity into divine glory where He is seated at God’s right hand. (CCC 659) “Jesus Christ, the head of the Church, precedes us into the Father's glorious kingdom so that we, the members of his Body, may live in the hope of one day being with him forever.”

(CCC 666) He “intercedes constantly for us as the mediator who assures us of the permanent outpouring of the Holy Spirit.”

(CCC 667)

The hope of everlasting life with Jesus, the constant intercession of Jesus, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit are gifts to us. This is cause for celebration! So, let us enter the house of the Lord with great hope and great joy on this Ascension Sunday.

Pope Francis teaches, “The Ascension does not point to Jesus’ absence, but tells us that he is alive in our midst in a new way. He is no longer in a specific place in the world as he was before the Ascension. He is now in the lordship of God, present in every space and time, close to each one of us.”

My good and holy friends, may you seek Christ, may you find Christ, and may you love Christ.


Your Brother in Christ,

Deacon Ray Rodriguez




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