
Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

It gives me great joy to write to you again.  It is fitting that I continue discussing Marriage.  Since, today is the anniversary of my Convalidation.  Anita and I call it our Catholic Wedding Anniversary. 

The Catholic Church believes that marriages entered into by non-Catholics in their particular church, or wherever they may take place, are valid.  In the eyes of the Church, even two non-believers who are married civilly before a judge enter into a valid marriage. 

However, Catholics are bound to observe a certain form in order that their marriage be valid.  Canon law — the law of the Church — requires that Catholics enter into marriage by free mutual consent that is witnessed in a church by an authorized bishop, priest, or deacon and at least two other witnesses. 

It may be that the Catholic who entered into marriage outside the Church did not realize that these requirements existed.  Often, one or both of the spouses is not free to marry in the Catholic Church because of a previous marriage or because they were awaiting a Declaration of Nullity.  Also, the Catholic partner(s) may not have been active in the Church and did not consider having a Catholic wedding. 

The Church very much wants to assist couples who want to enter into a valid Catholic marriage.  The Church offers them pastoral and spiritual support to prepare for the sacrament.  When these couples are ready and free to marry, they celebrate what is called a Convalidation, from the Latin word meaning “to firm up” or “to strengthen.”  This is commonly referred to as the “blessing” of a marriage. 

It is important to realize that a Convalidation is not merely a renewal of promises made previously.  It is a new act of consent by each spouse.  This new act of consent is essential to marriage, and the words that the couple expresses are the outward sign of the gift of self that they exchange.  Convalidation of marriage may be celebrated within Mass or outside of Mass depending on the particular situation of the couple.  If both are Catholic, it is fitting that the Convalidation be celebrated within Mass.  If one spouse is not, it is preferable that it be celebrated outside of Mass. 

My good and holy friends, may God the eternal Father keep you in His love, so that the peace of Christ may stay with you and be always in your home.  Amen. 

-Deacon Ray Rodriguez


Carta Pastoral Para En Corazón Latino


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