Welcome to Faith Formation at St. Rose of Lima. We are committed to nurturing spiritual growth for individuals of all ages.

Faith Formation

At St. Rose of Lima, our mission is to inspire a lifelong journey of faith for all members of our community—children, youth, and adults. Through our Faith Formation programs, we seek to deepen our understanding of God’s love and teachings at every stage of life. Whether you're nurturing the faith of a child, guiding youth through their spiritual development, or enriching your own adult faith journey, our goal is to provide the education, support, and community needed to grow in Christ’s love and service.

Faith Formation

Elementary (Pre-K-5)

Catholic Christian Education (CCE) for Children

  • The CCE program offers religious education for children, helping them grow in their understanding of the Catholic faith. It includes age-appropriate classes that teach Catholic teachings, prepare children for sacraments, and encourage a lifelong relationship with God.

  • Our CCE program serves children from early childhood through adolescence, with classes tailored to each age group’s developmental stage.

  • Registration for CCE is available online. Please visit the registration page on our website to complete the form and reserve a spot for your child in the program.

    • For the 2024-2025 school year, ELEMENTARY CCE CLASSES WILL BE HELD:

    • Pre-K, Kinder, & First Grade: Sundays from 9:45am-11:00am in the Fellowship Center.

    • Second Grade - Fifth Grade: Mondays from 6:30pm - 8:00PM in the East Hall/Cafeteria

    • Faith Formation begins on Sunday, September 15 from 9:45am - 11:00am for Pre-K, Kinder, and First Grade Students. Second Grade - Fifth Grade students meet on Monday nights from 6:30pm - 8:00pm starting on September 16.

    • Arrival Pre-K - 1:  Children are dropped off at the fellowship center starting at 9:35am. Class begins at 9:45am.

    • Dismissal Pre-k - 1: Children are picked up in the fellowship center at 11:00AM.

    • Arrival 2 - 5: Students are dropped off at the East Hall/Cafeteria doors under the school awning starting at 6:20pm. Class begins at 6:30pm

    • Dismissal 2-5: Parents form a car line along brinkman and students are picked up in the same place they were dropped off. Pick-Up is at 8pm.

    • Attendance: Regular attendance in Faith Formation sessions is an important factor in helping your child deepen his/her understanding of Church teachings, scriptures, prayer and the importance of community. Attendance will be taken weekly and will be reviewed monthly, especially for those students enrolled in the Sacramental Preparation program.

    • Registration Forms are available for download here.

    • Our 2025 Sacramental Preparation Calendar is available for download here.

The Faith Formation for Children page at St. Rose of Lima overviews our Catholic Christian Education (CCE) programs for children. This section offers details about the various age-appropriate classes and activities designed to nurture children's spiritual growth from early childhood through adolescence. The goal of the CCE program is to teach children about the Catholic faith, foster a love of God, and prepare them to actively participate in the Church's life. The page also includes essential information on schedules, registration, and contact details for those looking to get involved or seek more information.

Faith Formation

Youth (Grades 6-12)

Growing in Faith: Youth Programs for Grades 6-12

  • The Youth Faith Formation program at St. Rose of Lima is designed to guide teens in deepening their faith, understanding Catholic teachings, and preparing for sacraments like Confirmation. The program includes classes, retreats, service opportunities, and fellowship activities that help teens grow in their relationship with God.

  • The Youth Faith Formation program typically meets on Sundays during the school year. Specific dates and times for classes and events can be found on our website or by contacting the parish office.

  • Registration for Youth Faith Formation is available online. Please visit the registration page on our website to sign up for the program and receive updates on upcoming events.

  • Confirmation is one of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church, marking the completion of the sacraments of initiation. It is typically celebrated for teens in grades 9-10 after they have completed the necessary faith formation classes. For more details on preparation and requirements, please contact the parish office.

  • Yes, teens preparing for Confirmation must complete a two-year program, which includes classes, retreats, service projects, and spiritual preparation. The program aims to help teens fully understand the sacrament and its significance in their faith journey.

The St. Rose of Lima Youth Faith Formation program for grades 6-12 is designed to deepen the faith and spiritual development of our young people as they navigate their teenage years. Through engaging classes, retreats, service opportunities, and fellowship activities, our program helps teens grow in their relationship with God, build community, and live out their Catholic faith. With a focus on preparing them for the sacraments, understanding Catholic teachings, and developing a strong moral foundation, our Youth Faith Formation program provides the guidance and support they need to become active, faith-filled members of the Church.

Faith Formation

Sacramental Preparation for Adults

Sacramental Life at St. Rose of Lima: A Journey of Grace

  • Adults at St. Rose of Lima can receive the sacraments of: Baptism, Eucharist (Holy Communion), Reconciliation (Penance), Confirmation, Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick. We offer preparation for these sacraments to guide adults in their faith journey.

  • If you have not yet been baptized, we offer adult baptism preparation through our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program. This program helps adults learn about the Catholic faith and prepares them to receive the sacrament of Baptism, along with Confirmation and Eucharist.

  • Adults seeking Confirmation can participate in our RCIA program or a special adult Confirmation class. These sessions help you understand the meaning of the sacrament and prepare you spiritually to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  • Adults wishing to marry at St. Rose of Lima must meet with a priest for marriage preparation. This includes attending premarital counseling, completing marriage preparation classes, and meeting the requirements for the sacrament of Matrimony.

  • If you or a loved one is in need of the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please contact the parish office to request an appointment with one of our priests. The sacrament is available to adults who are ill, facing surgery, or in need of spiritual healing.

The sacraments are a vital part of our Catholic faith, serving as channels of grace that deepen our relationship with God. At St. Rose of Lima, we offer a variety of sacraments to guide and nurture the spiritual growth of our community. Whether you're preparing for baptism, reconciliation, communion, confirmation, or any other sacrament, we are here to support you on your faith journey. Explore the sacraments we offer and find the path that best meets your spiritual needs.