Welcome to the Sacraments section of St. Rose of Lima, where we celebrate the sacred rituals that strengthen our relationship with God and deepen our faith.
Catholic Sacraments
“The sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us.
The visible rites by which the sacraments are celebrated signify and make present the graces proper to each sacrament.
They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required dispositions.” (CCC 1131)

Celebrating the Gift of New Life in Christ through Baptism
We welcome individuals of all ages to be baptized at St. Rose of Lima. While infants are typically baptized with the guidance of parents, adults can also receive the sacrament through our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) program.
Parents must attend a Baptism preparation class prior to scheduling the sacrament. You can register for the class and find additional details by contacting the parish office.
Godparents must be baptized Catholics who are at least 16 years old and have received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. They must also be willing to help the child grow in the faith.
Baptisms are celebrated during scheduled Masses or on specific dates throughout the year. For exact dates and to schedule a Baptism, please contact the parish office.
Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation, where we are welcomed into the Catholic faith and the family of God. Through this sacrament, we are cleansed of sin and reborn in the Holy Spirit, beginning a lifelong journey of faith and discipleship. At St. Rose of Lima, we celebrate Baptism as a joyful occasion for individuals and families, marking the start of a new life in Christ.

Holy Communion
Nourishing Our Faith: Receiving the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion
Only baptized Catholics who have received their First Holy Communion and are in a state of grace (not conscious of grave sin) are eligible to receive Holy Communion. Non-Catholic individuals are invited to participate in prayer but are not permitted to receive the Eucharist.
Children typically prepare for First Holy Communion through our Faith Formation programs. Parents should contact the parish office or the Faith Formation team for registration details and information on required classes and preparation.
While attending Mass regularly is essential for spiritual growth, if you are unable to attend, please make a spiritual communion by praying and uniting yourself with Christ in your heart. It’s important to attend Mass regularly to remain in communion with the Church.
If you are not able to receive Holy Communion due to a health issue, not being in a state of grace, or any other reason, you are invited to approach the altar for a blessing. Simply cross your arms over your chest to indicate you wish to receive a blessing instead of the Eucharist.
Holy Communion is the sacrament in which we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, nourishing our souls and strengthening our faith. It is a powerful moment of union with Christ and the Church, deepening our relationship with God and one another. At St. Rose of Lima, we joyfully celebrate this sacrament as an essential part of our spiritual journey, inviting all baptized Catholics to partake in the Eucharist as a sign of grace, love, and unity.

Healing and Renewal: Experiencing God’s Mercy through Reconciliation
Any baptized Catholic who is in need of reconciliation with God can receive this sacrament. It is especially important for those who have committed a mortal sin or have been away from the sacrament for some time.
Preparation involves a sincere examination of conscience, where you reflect on your actions, words, and thoughts in light of the Ten Commandments and Catholic teachings. You can also use a guide or checklist to help with the process.
Confession is offered on Wednesday evening (Spanish) and Thursday evening (English). In addition, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is typically offered on Saturdays before the evening Mass and by appointment. Please check the website or contact the parish office for the most up-to-date schedule.
During Reconciliation, you confess your sins to a priest, who will offer guidance, give absolution, and assign a penance. This process helps you experience God's forgiveness and grace, restoring your relationship with God and the Church.
Reconciliation, also known as Confession, is the sacrament through which we experience God's healing mercy and forgiveness. By confessing our sins and seeking absolution, we are reconciled with God and the Church, restoring our relationship with Him. At St. Rose of Lima, we offer this sacrament as an opportunity for spiritual renewal, peace, and grace, inviting all to experience the freedom and healing that comes from God's love and forgiveness.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit: Embracing Strength and Faith through Confirmation
Typically, young Catholics who have completed their faith formation and are in at least 8th grade can receive the sacrament. Adults who have not been confirmed may participate through the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) program.
Preparation for Confirmation involves completing a faith formation program, which includes classes, retreats, and community service. Candidates are also encouraged to deepen their personal relationship with God through prayer and reflection.
A Confirmation sponsor must be a baptized Catholic who has received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation and is actively practicing their faith. Sponsors should be role models in the faith and able to guide the candidate on their spiritual journey.
Confirmation is typically celebrated annually in the spring. Specific dates and details about preparation sessions are available on the parish website or by contacting the parish office.
Through Confirmation, we are sealed with the gifts of the Spirit, called to share God's love and become active members of the Church. At St. Rose of Lima, we joyfully celebrate Confirmation as a milestone in our faith journey, offering young people and adults the grace to live out their faith with confidence and courage boldly.

United in Christ: Celebrating the Sacrament of Matrimony
To be married at St. Rose of Lima, at least one of the parties must be a registered parishioner. Both individuals must be free to marry, meaning they have not been married previously in the Catholic Church or have received an annulment, if applicable.
Couples must complete a marriage preparation program, which includes meetings with a priest or deacon, a marriage inventory, and an in-person marriage preparation course or retreat. Couples should begin this process at least six months before their desired wedding date.
Required documents typically include a baptismal certificate (if not already on file), a marriage preparation inventory, and proof of a valid marriage license from the county. Additional documents may be required depending on the couple’s specific situation.
Please contact Deacon Ray Rodriguez using the contact form for more information on the Sacrament of Marriage or Marriage Preparation at St. Rose of Lima.
Matrimony is a sacred sacrament through which a man and woman are united in love and commitment, reflecting the deep and lasting bond between Christ and the Church. At St. Rose of Lima, we celebrate Matrimony as a joyous occasion, where couples embark on a journey of faith, love, and partnership. Through this sacrament, couples receive the grace to grow together in holiness, strengthen their relationship, and build a family centered on God’s love.

Anointing of the Sick
God’s Healing Touch: The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
The sacrament is available to anyone who is seriously ill, facing surgery, or dealing with the challenges of aging. It is also offered to individuals who are in danger of death due to illness or old age, as a source of healing and strength.
To request the sacrament, please contact the parish office directly or reach out to one of the priests or deacons. For urgent cases, we offer anointing as part of hospital visits or homebound ministry.
During the sacrament, the priest anoints the forehead and hands of the sick person with holy oil, offering prayers for healing, peace, and strength. This sacrament provides comfort, grace, and spiritual healing for the person’s body and soul.
Yes, the sacrament can be received more than once, especially if a person’s health worsens or if they face another serious illness or surgery. It is a sacrament of ongoing healing and comfort during times of physical or spiritual need.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a beautiful expression of God's healing and mercy, offering comfort and strength to those facing illness, surgery, or the challenges of aging. Through this sacrament, the sick are blessed with the grace of the Holy Spirit, bringing peace to body, mind, and spirit. At St. Rose of Lima, we offer this sacrament as a source of hope and encouragement, reminding those who are suffering that they are never alone—God's love and care are always present.

Holy Orders
Called to Serve: The Sacrament of Holy Orders
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is received by men called to serve as deacons and priests. These individuals undergo a process of discernment, formation, and preparation to fulfill their sacred vocations within the Church.
The discernment process involves prayer, reflection, spiritual direction, and guidance from the Church. Men considering the priesthood or diaconate typically enter seminary or diaconal formation.
A calling to Holy Orders is a deep, personal vocation that is discerned through prayer, reflection, and spiritual guidance. If you feel called to serve the Church as a deacon or priest. It is essential to speak with a priest, spiritual director, or religious community for further discernment.
Those who receive Holy Orders are entrusted with the responsibility of serving the Church through preaching, teaching, administering the sacraments, and guiding the faithful in their spiritual lives. They dedicate their lives to service, helping others grow in faith and live out the teachings of Christ.
Holy Orders is the sacrament through which individuals are called and ordained to serve the Church as deacons and priests. Through this sacrament, men receive the grace and responsibility to lead, teach, and guide God's people in their spiritual journey. At St. Rose of Lima, we honor and support those called to these sacred vocations, recognizing their commitment to serve the Church and our community in faith, prayer, and service.
Sacramental Record Request
If you received a sacrament at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, you can request your sacramental record by completing the form below. Please allow 2-3 business days for processing, although holidays or other circumstances may cause delays. Call the church office to specify whether you would like to pick up the record or have it mailed. Most records are mailed by the end of the month.
Please note that some sacramental records may be kept at the church where you were baptized.