Approaching God
Publik Monarch Publik Monarch

Approaching God

In today’s second reading, St. Paul tells us, “So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.”

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Let Us Go Over to the Other Side
Publik Monarch Publik Monarch

Let Us Go Over to the Other Side

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this weekend 60 of our ladies attended the ACTS retreat. (30 retreatants and 30 team members). I would like to thank and congratulate all of them. The term "retreat" means "to draw back, withdraw, call back".

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Carta Pastoral Para En Corazón Latino
Publik Monarch Publik Monarch

Carta Pastoral Para En Corazón Latino

El Señor Dios me ayuda, ¿quién me condenará? (Isaías 50:9). Esta promesa es nuestro cimiento en tiempos difíciles y en los momentos de alegría. Reflexionemos hoy sobre cómo la confianza en Dios transforma nuestras vidas.

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