Vocations Committee
Fostering a Culture of Vocations and Prayer for the Priesthood and Religious Life
The mission of the Vocations Committee is to work in collaboration with the Archdiocesan Vocation Office and our pastor to inspire all members of the Body of Christ to remember and live out their unique vocations. We encourage and support the faithful in praying for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, fostering a deep commitment to God’s call for each individual.
In the Catholic Church, a vocation refers to God's unique calling or purpose for each person's life, which is discerned through prayer and guidance. It is based on the understanding that everyone is created with a distinct plan, and God gradually reveals that purpose over time.
The primary vocations to which God calls people are Marriage, Priesthood, Religious Life, and Single Life. Marriage is a sacramental union where spouses support each other’s holiness and raise children in the faith. The Priesthood is a call to serve the Church by administering sacraments, preaching the Gospel, and shepherding the faithful. Religious Life involves committing to a community under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, such as becoming a brother, sister, or monk/nun. The Single Life allows individuals to serve God and others without entering marriage or religious life, often as laypeople. Each vocation is a lifelong commitment to a particular way of living in service to God.
Discerning one's vocation involves a process of prayer, reflection, seeking guidance through Scripture, spiritual direction, and participation in the sacraments. If you're seeking more assistance, contact Fr. John Samuel, our parochial vicar and the Vocations Committee head, at our contact form or visit the Archdiocesan Office of Vocational Discernment for further resources.
The Vocations Committee fosters a culture of vocations within our parish by promoting prayer for vocations, educating the community, encouraging discernment, supporting existing vocations, and coordinating vocational events. We actively work to raise awareness about vocations by inviting guest speakers such as priests, sisters, and seminarians to share their vocation stories. Additionally, we encourage discernment by supporting individuals who feel called to explore their vocation more deeply and recognizing those already serving in vocations. We also coordinate events like the Vocation Expo during National Vocations Awareness Week to raise awareness about the importance of vocations in the Church.
The Vocations Committee meets monthly, usually on the second Wednesday of each month at 6 PM in Room A of the administration building. For updates on events or meetings, please refer to the weekly bulletin or the church website.
We encourage everyone to participate in praying daily for an increase in vocations. To learn more about how you can get involved, or if you'd like to support our efforts in fostering vocations, please reach out to the committee at our contact form. Your prayers and participation are vital in helping build a vibrant future for our Church.
Answering God’s Call: The Importance of the Vocations Committee
The Vocations Committee plays a vital role in helping our parish community grow in faith by fostering a culture of vocations. We encourage prayer to increase vocations to the priesthood, religious life, permanent diaconate, and lay ministries, and support those who feel called to serve in these roles. By raising awareness, providing guidance, and offering support, we help individuals hear and respond to God’s call. We invite you to join us in this vital mission through prayer, volunteering, or simply learning more about the vocations journey. Together, we can help nurture the future of the Church and inspire the next generation of servants.